14641 Lee Hwy, D-6, Centreville, VA 20121


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Acupuncture is an ancient oriental practice used to regulate and restore the balance of the body, to assist and accelerate the healing process. It is based on traditional Oriental Medicine theories; the flow of qi (energy) and xue (blood) through meridians or pathways that cover the body, somewhat like nerves and blood vessels. According to this theory, when one or more of these pathways is blocked, or when there is an imbalance of energy, illness follows. In Acupuncture, fine needles are inserted into the body at specific points shown to be effective in the treatment of many health conditions. These points have been discovered, and recorded over a period of two thousand years. In recent times, many scientific studies have established the validity of acupuncture. The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledge that acupuncture treatment can effectively treat a wide array of acute and chronic conditions. Furthermore, acupuncture is known to provide quality effective healthcare that results in a healthier well-being.



Moxibustion is the painless burning of the mugwort (Artemesia Vulgaris) herb over acupuncture points. This warms and nourishes the area, while also increasing blood circulation at that point.



Working on the same diagnostic basis as acupuncture, Oriental herbalism works by re-establishing the natural balance and harmony within the body. An herbal prescription will include several herbs working together in combination to treat the person as the whole. It is this individual designing of prescriptions that increases the effectiveness of the treatment. Oriental herbal medicine is especially effective in the areas of infertility, menstrual irregularities, skin conditions and acute illness such as colds and flu. Herbal medicine can be used independently but is often used in conjunction with acupuncture. Traditionally oriental herbs were taken as a drink by boiling up dried herbs.

In our clinic we can provide the same treatment in powder or capsule form. In today busy world, this is more convenient method of taking herbs, requires no preparation time while remaining just as effective. We are providing traditional treatment for the modern world.



The cupping technique involves using suction with glass cups over certain areas of the body (such as back or abdomen). It is often used to relax muscles, relieve pain, and increase blood flow to the area it is applied. The sensation is similar to a massage. Patients agree that this method of therapy is relaxing, soothing and is quite effective.